Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Culture: a new Chinese president

As the American people picked its new president last week, China also prepared for a new president.  November 8th was the first day of the 18th Party Congress. What does that mean?  I'm anxious for you to find out...

These reading and listening activities provide a lot of neat background information on the subject.

Please read this article on the logistics of the 18th Party Congress.  To get to the article, click HERE.

Here is a BBC radio report about the likely new president Xi Jin Ping.  Click HERE.

Another fascinating report about China's government, policies, and future aired on NPR's "Talk of the Nation" last Thursday.  To get to the report, click HERE.

Finally, on Saturday this article printed in the New York Times: "Google is Blocked in China as Party Congress Begins."

Please take good notes as you go through these different sources.  You should turn in your notes with your packets this week.  ALSO, there will be a cultural component to this week's quiz.  I hope you enjoy the learning!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Lesson 30: 打电话

For flashcards of lesson vocabulary, click 这里

For a recording of the lesson text: